Since the release of the new Singstar client for PS3 and PS4, back in October 2014, it has been kind of quiet concerning updates and new songs for the game. Today however, the team has announced that they are still working around the clock to bring more songs and updates to Singstar, later this year.
“We wanted to let you know that we are still working very closely with our partners in the music industry to license new tracks, and we’re sorry there hasn’t been a SingStore update for a while.
The licensing process can take some time to finalise, so we’re going to carry on working on this behind the scenes for a little while longer.
Additionally, our development team have been working on an update for the game which will be released later in the year.
We appreciate you all being so patient as we really want to bring you the best SingStar experience possible!”
Was posted on their Facebook page today and ofcourse we will keep you updated with any more news about the possible new updates.