Chris Roberts, the creator of famed Wing Commander and Privateer franchises, announced his return in gaming with Star Citizen, a new title that according to his say will change the way people perceive games for the PC and will breathe new life into space combat games.

“In recent years, game designers have stopped innovating and pushing the boundaries of what you can do in this genre,” says Roberts. “I plan on bringing that kind of development mentality back into PC gaming and space sims in particular. There is a lot of noise out there regarding social and mobile games right now, and I think PC gamers are feeling a little left out of the mix. But the PC is still incredibly capable of presenting an experience that doesn’t take a back seat to any other platform out there, including consoles. With my game, I want PC gamers to stand up, be counted and get excited again about all the great experiences their computer can deliver.”

Star Citizen, already 12 months into production, will be launched only on the PC and will include all the Chris Roberts hallmarks that fans of his games have come to expect over the years: high quality cutting-edge visuals and technology, a virtual world that is immersive and detailed, a sophisticated storyline that is wide in scope and visceral, heart-pounding space combat.

Chris Roberts has launched a crowd funding site to bring his devotees and other interested parties much closer to the development process and “take the traditional game publisher out of the mix and enables us to take the millions of dollars normally used by publishers for a triple-A title and plow them right back into developing the game”.

Those interested can visit to help raise the necessary funds for completing development of the project.