A bit late, but better late then never…. SourceMod (the Admin and control panel plugin for Source engine based games like CS:GO) has been updated to version 1.9.
Gamedata updates will still be supplied to the 1.8 branch for a limited time. The following changes listed below are what’s new since the 1.8 branch was declared stable.
- Fixed certain sendprops being treated improperly in CS:GO*
- Fixed mass renaming (sm_rename @all “Something”) behavior
- Fixed bug where optional natives would no longer be optional after plugin reloading
- Fixed nominations plugins from returning Plugin_Continue in a command callback
- Fixed occasions where UTF8 names would be truncated mid-character*
- Fixed crash in SQLite extension where SqDatabase tried to access a dead instance of SqDriver
- Fixed wrong return type in UserMessageToBfRead*
- Fixed issue where OnMapTimeLeftChanged would not get called in CS:GO*
- Fixed crash when plugins closed SQL query results handles*
- Fixed crash when CloneArray is called on large arrays
- Fixed native not bound error with Panel.Style*
- Fixed issue where sourcemod would trigger an assert if game isn’t bult with RELEASE
- Fixed memory leak in Regex extension
- Fixed crash when database transaction fails
- Fixed issue menus weren’t drawing
- Fixed incorrect bit size given for vectors with FindDataMapInfo
- Fixed AllowClLanguageVar setting being ignored in CS:GO*
- Fixed crash when accessing gamerules during mapchange*
- Fixed where GetCommandLineParam would always retrieve default value*
- Fixed ICommandLine lookup on Linux for Insurgency and DOI*
- Fixed KeyValues.SetUInt64 truncating values*
- Fixed issue where OnEntityCreated wasn’t always called
- Fixed CS_GetWeaponPrice returning incorrect weapon prices*
- Fixed issue where core config values were not being cached
- Fixed OnPlayerRunCmd crashing with invalid CUserCmd ptr
- Fixed duplicate plugin loading issue on Windows and MacOS
- Added Database.Format, an auto-escaping format native for SQL query creation
- Added the ability to configure multiple chat trigger characters
- Added config file for basevotes & funvotes
- Added support for more SQLite database options like :memory:
- Added ArrayList.BlockSize and ArrayStack.BlockSize
- Added FireEntityOutput native
- Added IsNativeParamNullVector and IsNativeParamNullString natives
- Added PrintToConsoleAll native
- Added OnPlayerRunCmdPost forward
- Added GetGameFrameTime native
- Added IsNullVector and IsNullString natives
- Added Call_PushNullVector and Call_PushNullString natives
- Added support for CreateItemEntityByName for CS:GO*
- Added CS_ItemDefIndexToID and CS_WeaponIDToItemDefIndex natives
- Added KeyValues.ExportToString and KeyValues.ExportLength natives
- Added a new Handle type FrameIterator for stack frame iteration
- Added TranslationPhraseExists & IsTranslatedForLanguage
- Enabled radio menus for Black Mesa
- Increase TopMenu display buffer size
- Removed TFHoliday_SpyVsEngyWar, as it no longer exists
- Improved documentation for sm_reserve_type, CharToLower, CharToUpper, RadToDeg*, ArrayList.Resize/ResizeArray* and GetSteamAccountID
- Corrected various typos in OnRemoveBan*
- Added ICellArray interface
- Removed reduant () in DebugReport:: outputs*
- Changed sm_msay to use MaxPageItems instead of a hardcoded value of 10*
- Adjusted rockthevote to use RoundToCeil instead of RoundToFloor to match behavior definition
- Added 2 CSGO gamerules netprops to CSGO blocklist
- Changed CHalfLife2::GetMapDisplayName to always check for string substitutions*
- Ignore fake clients in @spec targeting
- Updated sm_map behavior to better reflect FindMap/GetMapDisplayName results
- Allow Event.FireToClient regardless if broadcasting is enabled
- Added missing parameter to DataPack.IsReadable*
- Bots no longer bypass kick queue
- Removed gender from nomination changed translation phrase
- Function names are now included in cstrike ext signature failures*
- Vote actions are ignored if the target is no longer available in basevotes
- Allowed seeking to the end of datapacks
- Updated TF2_IsPlayerInCondition to support new conditions*
- Extensions that failed to load are only shown if the extension is required
- Various sourcemod include `const` corrections
- Add convenience logic for “offset” to Address definitions in GameConf
The Stable Builds download page now points to 1.9 builds, although 1.8 ones are still available and linked there.